The problem is you don’t know…

  • Who will make your reader sit up and say, “Whoa! I need to buy THAT book!”
  • How to get a hold of the celebrity (and get past the gatekeeper!)
  • When in the book writing process is the best time to ask for a review
  • What to do when you don’t know who to ask
  • If celebrity endorsements really matter to book sales

If you’re over there nodding (and worrying how to answer those questions) I’ve got some good news for you:

There IS a way to get a famous person – the RIGHT famous person – to give you a blurb for your book.

Keep reading!

The problem is you don’t know…

  • Who will make your reader sit up and say, “Whoa! I need to buy THAT book!”
  • How to get a hold of the celebrity (and get past the gatekeeper!)
  • When in the book writing process is the best time to ask for a review
  • What to do when you don’t know who to ask
  • If celebrity endorsements really matter to book sales

If you’re over there nodding (and worrying how to answer those questions) I’ve got some good news for you:

There IS a way to get a famous person – the RIGHT famous person – to give you a blurb for your book.

Keep reading!


Seek a Celeb

Getting Endorsements that Get Attention

Think of the perfect list

Know exactly what to ask

Be confident in Your Plan

A 3-step process to help you identify the {right} famous person to write a book blurb for you, how to ask them, and how to keep track of who you’ve asked and when you need to follow up. All so you can USE that blurb to sell more books without running around in circles.

With Seek a Celeb you will be able to:

  • Create a list of people who would be perfect to give you a book blurb you can use in your marketing
  • Know exactly how to ask them – and what magic words will help them say yes
  • Have a plan to ask, receive, and USE the endorsement

And all without asking the WRONG celebrity (that can actually HURT your book sales) or delaying your book launch because the celebrity is too “busy.”

That’s the real magic that happens when you know exactly who to ask, how to ask them, how to follow up (and when to move on), and how to use the blurb in your marketing!

And the best part?

You can get it for just $97.


Seek a Celeb

Getting Endorsements that Get Attention

A 3-step process to help you identify the {right} famous person to write a book blurb for you, how to ask them, and how to keep track of who you’ve asked and when you need to follow up. All so you can USE that blurb to sell more books without running around in circles.

With Seek a Celeb you will be able to:

  • Create a list of people who would be perfect to give you a book blurb you can use in your marketing
  • Know exactly how to ask them – and what magic words will help them say yes
  • Have a plan to ask, receive, and USE the endorsement

And all without asking the WRONG celebrity (that can actually HURT your book sales) or delaying your book launch because the celebrity is too “busy.”

That’s the real magic that happens when you know exactly who to ask, how to ask them, how to follow up (and when to move on), and how to use the blurb in your marketing!

And the best part?

You can get it for just $97.

What they’re saying

The material is amazing. I learned more in a few hours than in days reading “how to” articles. It helps having a real person, Kim, speak in real language.

- Andrew Rice

If you are just writing your book, Kim’s your ideal guide. And if, like me, you want help in the final stages of production, to have a great launch, she is THE pro for a successful launch.

- Rochelle Seltzer
Author, “Live Big: A Manifesto for a Creative Life”

Kim broke things down in a very simple way to help me understand the exact steps to take.

- Kristen Nolan

What’s included in Seek a Celeb - and for just $97:

Video Training

To-the-Point Video Training about who to ask and how to ask them.

Email Templates

My proven 7-part email request template to send to the celebrity.

Brainstorming Worksheet

Celeb Brainstorming Worksheet to easily come up with your list of who to ask (hint: you don’t want to just ask ONE person!)

Contact tracker

Celeb Contact Tracking so you know who you contacted and when to follow up.

Timeline tracker

Is It Worth It Timeline Tracker to make sure you don’t put your book on hold waiting for a celebrity blurb.

Blurb placement Tracker

Celeb Blurb Placement Tracker so you know what blurbs you’re using where (inside book, book cover, sales page, marketing, etc.)

And the bonus training “How to Use Celeb Endorsements in Your Marketing”

You might be wondering…

How long will it take to go through Seek a Celeb?

The Seek a Celeb training videos are short-and-sweet. I want you to be able to dive right in to identifying and contacting the {right} celebrity. And writing your “will you send me a blurb” email shouldn’t take long with my Email Request Template.

Where you’ll want to focus is creating a GREAT list of who to ask.

And of course, these are busy celebrities so nobody can control (or predict) how long it’ll take any one celeb to get back to you. But with the “Is It Worth It?” Timeline tracker you’ll know when to follow up and when to move on.

What if I haven’t finished my book yet?

You’ll have lifetime access to Seek a Celeb (plus any updates!) so you can purchase it at any time. Your book does need to be completed – written and edited, probably in layout – before you start contacting celebrities. Many will want to see all or part of the book before adding their name.

Who will I need to know to get a celebrity to say yes?

Great news! You don’t need to have insider connections to get a celebrity to say yes to writing you a blurb.

(Connections never HURT, but they aren’t a requirement.)

I’ll show you how to do a cold ask (power of Google) and how to work your network to find out who you might know who knows your celebrity.

Do I have to go to Hollywood?

Only if you want a vacation! The great news about Seek a Celeb is that everything can be done with email.

What if I want to ask Oprah? Or Taylor Swift? Or Beyonce? Or Michelle Obama?

More power to you! It never hurts to ask a V.F.P. (Very Famous Person) for a blub. Unless, of course they have NOTHING to do with your book’s topic.

Don’t be seduced by “fame” – a logical endorsement trumps a “big” name any time.

How long will I have access to Seek a Celeb?

I’m a big believer in lifetime access - which means that you’ll be able to return to Seek a Celeb again and again. When I update Seek a Celeb, you’ll have instant, free access to any future updates as well.

What if I don’t learn anything new?

I’m not going to punish you for being awesome! If you feel like you don’t learn anything new, send me an email within 7 days of purchase for a full refund.

Please note this refund policy does not cover a change of mind.
If you request a refund, I will ask you for feedback on how the course didn't meet your expectations so I can improve our marketing messaging in future.

Please see the full Terms and Conditions of Use for more info.

I have a different question.

Great! Email me at and I’ll get you sorted out.

Hi, I'm Kim!

Hi, I'm Kim Galloway, best-selling author of over 20 books, and I help message-driven authors to FINALLY write their book so they can share their message, help the people they’re meant to help, and get more clients.

I'm a desert-residing, outdoors-loving, mom of three amazing kiddos. My husband, Ben, and I live in rural New Mexico with wild turkeys, a friendly herd of deer, dogs, and views for days!

My live-by-faith realization was that after working in my dad's tax office for ten years -- a job I couldn't quit and where I couldn't get fired -- I was squandering my God-given gift of writing and storytelling.

I’ve been called a beast-mode marketer – and getting a celebrity to endorse your book is marketing. (Marketing TO the celebrity in your ask and leveraging the blurb once you have it to reach even more people with your book(s).)

I’ve packed everything I know about finding the right celebrity, asking them for an endorsement, and leveraging that endorsement once you have it into one easy-to-consume course so you can sell more books and reach more people.

Get It Today for $97