You want to write a message-driven book that will help people.

And you know that what you’ve been doing (sitting down to write but getting lost in where you’re going) isn’t working. You’ve got the motivation…

But you’re lacking the plan! 🤔

Maybe you’ve even carved time out of your day to write. But when you sit down you don’t know WHAT to write.

Or you can get the words flowing but all these bits and chunks and scribbled notes aren’t coalescing into a book.

And there is a part of you that worries that IF you write an outline it’ll take all the magic out of your book – and that writing will become drudgery, as boring as checking “Scrub the Toilet” off your to do list.

My fellow author: I’ve got you!

You deserve to write your book and have it flow and be fun.

If these are ringing your bell, there is a simpler way to write your outline, make progress on your book, AND keep all your creativity flowing. (And ditch the “writing” sessions where you’re really staring at the blank page thinking, “What am I going to write TODAY?!”)


Outline Oyster

A quick course to help you write an outline for your non-fiction book – one that keeps you on track, motivated to write, and is ANYTHING but boring or stodgy.

(After all, with a name like OUTLINE OYSTER you know this is going to be fun, right?!)

In under two hours, you’ll learn:

  • How you want your reader to change from reading your book – and know how to WRITE that so it happens
  • Which stories need to go in your book – and where
  • How to take your reader from Hot Mess to Clarity – so their life can change for the better
  • Quick and practical steps to organize your ideas – this ALONE has been responsible for countless authors getting unstuck
  • How to write from your outline so you keep your creativity and motivation high
  • What goes in the book (and what doesn’t!) so your reader gets the maximum transformation without being overwhelmed
  • How to think about your book in terms of larger offerings you may have – like courses or coaching

And for anyone writing memoir, you get specific lessons about:

  • How to think about your life as a story – so you know what to put in and what to leave out
  • Who you are on the page (because that’s different than who you are in life!)
  • How you want your reader to change from having read your story
  • What you need to do to capitalize on the themes in your book

Hi, I'm Kim!

Hi, I'm Kim Galloway, best-selling author of over 20 books, and I help message-driven authors to FINALLY write their book so they can share their message, help the people they’re meant to help, and get more clients.

I'm a desert-residing, outdoors-loving, mom of three amazing kiddos. My husband, Ben, and I live in rural New Mexico with wild turkeys, a friendly herd of deer, dogs, and views for days! (For fun, we're usually off exploring our 157-acre ranch.) 🏜️🌾🦃🌿🦌🚜🐕

My live-by-faith realization was that after working in my dad's tax office for ten years -- a job I couldn't quit and where I couldn't get fired -- I was squandering my God-given gift of writing and storytelling. I’m a whiz at breaking down ALLLLLLL.The.Steps that go into writing a book into accessible, doable “baby bird bites”.

That means that my authors uncover their DEEPER message (going beyond the “should” book and into a life-changing experience) so that they can write the book that’s on their hearts, but also have fun doing it.

I help clients all over the world get unstuck and FINALLY write their books!

And a big piece of that is the living, breathing document that is (boringly) called an OUTLINE. (Seriously, a book outline needs a PR expert to give it a spin and a polish, for such a fun, important tool, it’s got a S-T-O-D-G-Y name!)

Now I’ve packed everything I know about writing an outline for your book – one that keeps you on track, motivated to write, and is ANYTHING but boring or stodgy, into one easy-to-consume course.


Here’s what’s included in Outline oyster:

  • 18 bite-sized lessons (between 2 and 9 minutes each) that you can easily watch in an afternoon.
  • Downloadable worksheets for each lesson where you can capture your bigger a-has.
  • Perfect Outline Template – this is the idea that started it all. Download this so you can create your perfect book outline FAST.
  • Lifetime access to the course and any updates.
  • Invite to “Kim's Authors: Student Group for New Frontier Books” – a private Facebook group for my students where you can get your questions answered and meet other like-minded authors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will writing an outline suck all the joy from writing?

Quite the contrary, my fellow author! Imagine KNOWING that you’re going to write before you sit down to write. No more staring at a blank page, getting more and more frustrated at “wasting” your writing time.

One afternoon to plan and you’ve got a guide to write your book!

I’ll teach you how to USE your outline (hint: follow your inspiration!) so that you’re always excited and ready to write.

Don’t forget: Your outline is a living, breathing document. You can change it AT ANY TIME. Writing an outline for your message-driven book doesn’t mean you’re signing a contract in blood; it’s just an outline!

Will this work for fiction? Children’s books? Poetry?

While you will get some great ideas from Outline Oyster for those types of books, this course was specifically designed for a non-fiction book. It works best with:

  • Process-based books or how tos, i.e. TEACHING a process
  • General non-fiction, i.e. sharing your knowledge
  • Memoir

And it’s perfect for taking your knowledge – what you want to teach someone – and organizing it so the reader can change their life.

How long will it take me to write the outline?

Let me guess: You can type insanely fast. You’ve got notebooks scattered EVERYWHERE with ideas jotted down. You looooove to research on your book topic.


You’re also a whiz at overthinking, procrastination on the steps that REALLY move your book forward, and you’ve got a fear of doing it “wrong”. (If you’re being honest, you’re not even sure what ‘it’ is!)

You’re excited by the promise of “quick and easy” but you’re also worried that this is one.more.thing that will take days, weeks, months.

It doesn’t have to! And it shouldn’t! You can watch all the baby bird bite sized trainings, do the worksheets, AND create your first outline in an afternoon. Seriously. MAYBE a few days at most.

The post in “Kim's Authors: Student Group for New Frontier Books” – a private Facebook group for my students – so we can celebrate with you that you’re on your way to finally writing your message-driven book.

What if I don’t learn anything new?

I’m not going to punish you for being awesome! If you feel like you don’t learn anything new, send me an email within 7 days of purchase for a full refund.

Please note this refund policy does not cover a change of mind.

If you request a refund, I will ask you for feedback on how the course didn't meet your expectations so I can improve our marketing messaging in future.

Please see the full Terms and Conditions of Use for more info.

Do I really NEED an outline? Like REALLY?

Let me ask you this:

How has “winging it” gone for you? How many HOURS have you invested in your book already and what do you have to show for it?

Are you 100% confident that you can organize your book? In a structure that makes sense TO THE READER?

Because if you’re confident that one idea leads to the next, without skipping any ‘pearls of wisdom,’ and that you won’t miss any thoughts – then you DON’T need an outline.

But if you’re tired of asking yourself “What am I going to write TODAY?” then you need an outline.

If the idea of starting in Chapter 1 and writing linearly until the Conclusion feels heavy, then you need an outline. (I teach you how to follow your writing inspiration so you’re always excited – and you always know you’re on target for this idea, this book.)

If you’ve tried an outline but got lost in the process (or felt like it killed your creativity) then you need Outline Oyster.

Why is it called ‘Outline Oyster’?

I get it that when you first see an oyster on a half shell, the first glance is YUCK! I know I refused to try them the first time.

But then I TRIED it and… wow! That was a powerful, fun, memorable experience.

My then-boyfriend, now-husband and I were in Destin, Florida. We’d spent Christmas with his family and were driving back to Arizona. We “detoured” to Destin. We had lunch in a little restaurant he went to regularly when he was stationed there and INSISTED I try the oysters. One slimy, briny, slippery shell later and I was hooked! Since we live in the desert, we only get them when we’re on the coast.

Much like an oyster, there are a bunch of different ways to prepare your outline. This course gives you several ways to approach writing your outline.

Plus, you get to crack open your pearls of wisdom – the stuff you really MUST put in your book – and organize them in a way that benefits the reader AND you can rest easy knowing you haven’t forgotten anything.

Plus… alliteration. (And a fun logo!)

Aren’t you glad you asked?

I have a different question.

Great! Email me at and I’ll get you sorted out.

What they’re saying

When you are setting out to write a book, it feels great knowing that Kim Galloway is in your court.

An experienced author and publisher, Kim always seems eager to share her knowledge with her clients and does so willingly.

- Julie Freedman Smith

I didn't have any idea of how to START my book.

Working with Kim means you will have breakthroughs in your writing, dig deeper into your life and your stories.

- Catherine Lazure

Kim Galloway is absolutely hands down the best at what she does!

She empowers me to tap my creative fire and write from my heart! I’m so excited to have written and published my first book with her guidance!

- Camden Hoch,
"Roadmap to Radiance: A Memoir"

Kim has been amazing in helping me to craft my message in a way that appeals to the heart and mind of the people I am serving… her ability to share a message with heart, humor and clarity--conveying what I wanted to convey--is phenomenal. She is a master in her art!

- Sarica Cernohous, Natural health practitioner, best-selling author and wellness strategist

Finally write an outline - a living document - that allows you to know what goes in the book and what doesn’t so you can share your message.