It's time to stop pretending to write
and FINALLY write (and finish!) your book.


Finally Write Your Book

Inside Finally Write Your Book, you'll get everything you need to plan, write, and finish your book so you can stop dreaming about sharing your message and FINALLY write your book.


Yes, I want in!

Get INSTANT access to Step 1 the moment you purchase.

Tell me if this sounds like you:


You want to write your book.

You need to GET IT DONE and you want to enjoy the process.

You have lots of ideas but not enough time to write, and you're tired of the start-stop way you've been doing it.

You're over trying to use over simplified templates that don't REALLY capture your message and ideas.

You're tired of feeling like you're doing it wrong -- but you know that what you're doing isn't working.

You wish there was a way to write your book that was fun, easy, and let you write the book that is on your heart.

The one that will HELP people.


Good news!


I help my clients with those same problems every single day.

 If you're like my typical clients, you might be holding on to some myths that are keeping you stuck.


Myths like...


"The best book is the transcript of my signature talk/my system!"

Your readers need MORE than just your system – they need you. Your heart, your soul, and your caring.

Talks are designed to tease – they don’t go too deep into much. Which is FINE for a talk – it’s not okay for a book.

And putting your whole system in the book is just too much information -- your reader will get overwhelmed and stop reading!

In Finally Write Your Book, my students use the Pizza Slices Process to know exactly what goes in the book, what doesn’t, and how to put all of YOU onto the page.


"Writing a book takes a LOOOOONG time. Like years. I'll have to put aside my job or business to get it done. (Or wait until I retire.)"

A book does take work and effort. But it doesn’t have to be hard, miserable, or take years!

Most people come to me after having tried to write their book for at least two years, a few days here and a few days there.

When you use the Power of Mini-Goals, you'll discover you can easily write your book in... 15 minutes a day! (No, seriously.)

And in Finally Write Your Book, I bring you the Project Planning Plan that shows you how to map out your writing time and efforts so you don't get lost, lose focus, or suddenly realize a month has passed without writing anything!


"Writing a book isn’t worth the investment of time and money.
I can’t make money from my book."

Books are about touching lives – and the love of writing. You want both!

The investment of your time clarifies your ideas, organizes your teaching and thoughts, and shares stories that will move your reader to make changes in her life.

You can make money directly from your book sales. And when people buy your book, they’re more likely to continue to work with you and buy your programs, coaching, and private work too!

Finally Write Your Book uses the Drip/Catch Method to prime your readers to buy from you and become raving fans – without the book ever feeling like a sales letter!


"Who am I to write this book? It’s already been done."

You are the sum total of your thoughts, experiences, knowledge, training, beliefs, and upbringing.

You have a unique, personal perspective on your book’s topic.
You are the ONLY one who can write YOUR book. It also means that your reader, who has probably read other books on the subject, is still looking for YOU!

Through Finally Write Your Book use The Solution Sequence to draw out what makes your story unique, then share that so the reader keeps turning pages and walks away transformed!


"I don’t have enough information for a book!"

You know far more than you think! And once you start outlining your knowledge – and using the Hot Mess to Clarity Curve – you’ll discover you’ve got PLENTY of knowledge for a book.

You’re already the expert.
Your name on a book simply proves that to the world.

Using the Slide Up Sideways Method in Finally Write Your Book, we draw out all that information, organize it in a way that makes sense.


"I have to be a 'good' writer to write a book. If I'm dyslexic, if English is my second language, if I have ADHD, or if I failed English... I can't write a book."

The BEST writers started out as crappy writers! (Even me!)

Writing a book is about desire -- skills can be learned! You'll
build on skills you have (the ability to write an email, social media post, or blog article) and develop writing habits needed to be successful.

We focus directly on your writing skills using the Story Skill Builder Bootcamp.

I came to Kim with my “legacy book” written.

The practical strategies she gives for writing a book in the middle of life's busyness have been a total game-changer for me.

I know that no matter what life brings, I will always have the tools now to write and share my message with the world.

- Holly Doherty

As an instructor of college composition for over 20 years, I found Kim a galvanizing kickstart to committing to my writing.

Kim is not just a gifted writing coach: she is a social worker of the spirit for a book's power to change lives.

She will lovingly shepherd you to identify and share your message.

- Stephanie Harzewski

When you are setting out to write a book, it feels great knowing that Kim Galloway is in your court.

An experienced author and publisher, Kim always seems eager to share her knowledge with her clients and does so willingly.

- Julie Freedman Smith

I used to tell people the story of Jerry's liver transplant. I realized there weren't a lot of caregiving stories out there and I decided I was going to write mine.

I wrote the book twice and while the order of the words varied slightly, it read like this:

Then we did this....

Then we went there...
Then he said this....

Then I did that....

After learning from Kim, I figured out how to share my message in a way that a reader can understand -- that makes them laugh and cry.

- Erin Copelan, Author "Welcome to Caregiving"

I didn't have any idea of how to START my book.

Working with Kim means you will have breakthroughs in your writing, dig deeper into your life and your stories.

- Catherine Lazure

Kim Galloway is absolutely hands down the best at what she does!

She empowers me to tap my creative fire and write from my heart!

I’m so excited to have written and published my first book with her guidance!

- Camden Hoch, Author "Roadmap to Radiance: A Memoir"



There was a way to FINALLY write your book with less start/stop, struggle, and "forgetting" to write...

You could finally
BE a published author instead of dreaming about someday...

You could
have a consistent writing habit that works WITH your schedule and still allows you the freedom to write your book...

You could
get more clients from your book and have them be your PERFECT client...

You could
be seen as the go-to expert in your industry because you wrote the book on the topic...

You could
HELP the people you're meant to help by sharing your experiences, story, knowledge, and message with a limitless audience...

All of that's
possible inside

Finally Write
Your Book

Get INSTANT access to the ENTIRE course the moment you purchase.

Who is this right for?

Message-Driven Authors

You have a Message (yes, with a capital M) that you want to share with the world. It's your calling -- and you so desperately want to put it in a book. And... you're stuck.

You want to share your message with the world. Maybe you've written a few pages or you can write a few days at a time, but you know that you're just spinning your wheels. (And you're ready to get OFF the Struggle Bus and claim your throne as PUBLISHED Author.)

Who is this right for?

People Who Want to Share Their Story

You've Gone Through Something. Something big that has altered the course of your life. And you know that there are others out there who are facing the same struggles. Like you, they felt so alone. But they're NOT alone -- you were there too.

You want to help people to know they're not alone, that they have options, and that you love them.

Who is this right for?

Coaches and Consultants

You know you're an expert and your clients get great results. You're ready to write a book that showcases your knowledge -- without giving away the farm -- so that your process, system, or method, can reach more people. You're also ready to harness the credibility that having a book brings you! And, most importantly, you love to write. You're excited to FINALLY write your book.

And MAYBE you've written a book before (or a chapter in an anthology) but it's not a book that you're proud of or that's working for you.

You're ready to write a book that positions you as an expert, brings you clients, AND builds the know-like-trust factor WITHOUT the book feeling like a long-form sales letter.

Kim is interesting & engaging while presenting me with the tools to successfully write my book.

I feel like I benefited from her trial & error and all the expertise she’s gained.

- Jessica Schultz

I’m so excited to get going with my book! Kim offered more information than I expected and all of the information was thoroughly usable.

Points were brought to light that I hadn’t thought of and I’m so excited to get started!

- Jennifer Morris

Before working with Kim I was plagued with a lot of doubts that I hadn't really named or looked at so I couldn't face them or do something about them.

I feel like I have far fewer excuses not to venture forward!

I don't have to be perfect as an author, and I don't have to have all the answers this second.

- Ela Ben-Ur

The material is amazing. I learned more in a few hours than in days reading “how to” articles. It helps having a real person, Kim, speak in real language.

- Andrew Rice

Having Kim as the editor or writer (or in any writing related capacity) on the project will not only elevate the quality but also your peace of mind that your project is in experienced, super competent and ethical hands.

That’s what happens to me and I look forward to work with Kim again and again.

- Biljana Karamehmedovic

After working with Kim, I got back in touch with WHY the world needs my book and that has made all the difference!

You need to learn from Kim because she will work her magic and help you understand why your book matters, what your true message is, and how to bring it out of you and into the world that needs it.

- Judy O'Higgins

Basically, this is for you if...

You want to finally write your book and share your message.

You've started writing your book -- you've got a GREAT idea -- but you've stalled out.

You're not sure where to go from here and you're tired of the start/stop feeling of writing your book.

You want to share your message -- you know that people need to hear your story -- but you're overwhelmed with how to write it in a way that makes sense. (And is fun for you to write and the reader to read!)

You've tried all the templates and shortcuts to write your book -- but they aren't capturing what you REALLY want to say.

You're frustrated by the “easy” templates and book-writing processes that just don't fit your message.

You want a straightforward, proven system to write the book that's on your heart!

On the flip-side...
This is not for you if...

You're looking for “get rich quick with Amazon”.

You prefer to struggle, procrastinate, and pretend to write rather than get real, actionable process from an expert.

You're not interested in FINISHING your book -- you just want to fiddle with it.

You want to blame everything else (tech, internet, the cat throwing up on the carpet) for why you don't create a consistent writing habit.

You don't like writing. (Hey! Not EVERYBODY should write a book. If you don't like writing then you won't like writing a book!)

You're looking for somebody to do it for you -- and you don't want to put in the time, effort, and creativity to share your message.

Hi, I'm Kim!


I'm a best-selling author and Your Story Pathfinder who helps message-driven authors to FINALLY write their book so that they can share their message.


I'm a desert-residing, outdoors-loving, mom of three amazing kiddos. My husband, Ben, and I live in rural Arizona with chickens, dogs, and tumbleweeds! (For fun, we're usually off hiking somewhere.)


My live-by-faith realization was that after working in my dad's tax office for ten years -- a job I couldn't quit and where I couldn't get fired -- I was squandering my God-given gift of writing and storytelling. My gift is helping authors uncover their DEEPER message (going beyond the “should” book and into a life-changing experience) so that they can write the book on their hearts, but also have fun doing it.

I help clients all over the world to share their stories so that their books change lives.

Why I created this:


For the last nine years in my business, I've worked with authors only 1-on-1. And that's GREAT! But it meant that the number of authors I could help was limited.

It's time to change the world -- with YOUR message. This is the PROVEN system that was only available to my private clients.

I created Finally Write Your Book because there are so many people out there who NEED to share their message with the world -- but don't know how to actually write the book. Not to mention that as the mom of three small kids, I was rapidly running out of time to work with authors one-on-one!

I believe that everyone has a message to share with the world!

But that they shouldn't have to struggle to figure out “how to write a book” in order to do it!

And that a book should make you money from book sales (yes, REALLY) AND bring you the best possible clients into your business. The ones who are raving fans, buy your courses and coaching, and tell all their friends that YOU are amazing. (Because you are!)

What's inside

Finally Write Your Book

Step 1. REVEALING Your Message


Message is the heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul connection to your reader. It’s your reader’s way of knowing that you’ve been where they are – and that you can help them.

Using my Slide Up Sideways Method, you’ll uncover your message (the one that you’re sharing in your book and that is the foundation of your purpose on the planet) so you can ditch the marketing jargon and deeply connect with your reader.

Message is your North Star that guides you – and that will make your readers fall in love with you (and buy your courses, programs, or coaching!)

Step 2. OUTLINING Your Message-Driven Book


If Message is your North Star then your outline is your guidance system. But this isn’t your stodgy high school outline (ZERO need for roman numerals!) Using my Hot Mess to Clarity Curve, you’ll plan how to take your reader on a journey through your book – so they walk away from the book transformed!

Plus, we use the Pizza Slices Process to create hunger for the OTHER things you do!
Hint: You don’t put EVERYTHING you know into your book.

Step 3. STORYTELLING for Maximum Impact


Writing a book isn’t “just the facts” of how your personal experiences or proprietary system can help your reader. (That’s just being boring!) In Step 3, you’ll learn how creating an Emotional Punchline means your reader will remember – and implement your teaching.

And we’ll use a Memory Meditation to help you recall the emotions and details of YOUR experiences so you can bring them to life on the page. #truthbomb stories aren’t “nice to have” – they’re the difference between a boring book and one that creates maximum impact.

Step 4. TARGETING Your Reader’s Experiences


Learn about the Reader’s Continuums to uncover how you need to reach your reader – what exact words and ideas will move her heart. And using the WIIFTR Decoder, you’ll know exactly how to put the reader first in your book. (Otherwise, your book is just about you!)

Plus, you’ll use the My Reader Worksheet you can print out and put next to your computer to ALWAYS know how to craft your words so the reader will feel seen, heard, and loved!

Step 5: WRITING Your Book


It’s time… to put words on the page. Words become sentences, sentences become paragraphs, paragraphs become chapters – and you’ve written a book! I’ll give you my PROVEN 10 Word Writing Mantra that will unlock any form of writer’s block. Plus, we’ll use the Power of Mini-Goals to help you keep writing and not get stuck.

And you’ll uncover your Mental Monster and know how to get rid of him – for good.

There's more! You'll also get...

Kim's Proven Story Path System ($5000 value) that allows you to write your book -- the one on your heart.

Facebook Community ($3750 value) where you can find your accountability buddy, access the group Q&A call, and have ongoing support

How to take author headshots ($400 value) so that your readers can instantly connect with you.

About the Author Action Sheet ($500 value) so you can easily write your author bio for the book, your marketing, and speaking gigs!

Software Recommendations ($1000 value) so you know exactly what you need to write your book and don't waste time "shopping" for programs.

Monthly Group Q&A Call ($2000 value) so you have MY brain on your book -- and hear from your fellow message-driven authors.

CTA worksheet ($297 value) -- so you can have your readers take actions (buying a course or getting on your list) without having your book read like a long-form sales letter OR leaving the "work with me" to be an afterthought.

total value over $15,447!

Get started today for just


Pay in full to Get these bonuses

Pay-In-Full Bonus #1:
“3 Keys to Market Your Message”


In this pre-recorded workshop, I show you the three KEYS to market your message.

- Before the book launch
- In the book
- Ongoing marketing

Miss even one of these and your message won’t reach the people it is meant to help!

($500 value)

Pay-In-Full Bonus #2:
“Guest Expert Training Series”

Learn from hand-picked experts doing CUSTOM trainings for Kim's authors about topics like:

- Time management

- Getting media attention

- Recharging your energy

- Self-worth

- And more

Each mini-workshop is jam-packed with what YOU need to know!

($750 value)

7-day Money-back Guarantee:

If Finally Write Your Book doesn't help you get into motion with writing your book, simply email your completed worksheets from Step 1: UNCOVERING Your Message within 7 days of purchase, and I’ll issue you a full refund.

After those 7days, you're stuck with us! (Though I think you'll see that's a very good thing.) 😉

Before working with Kim, I was overwhelmed with the task of writing a whole book, and did not know where to start.

Now, I’m in the writing flow. The most important discovery is to allow myself to write whatever comes, nothing is wasted, and that nothing is so bad that it cannot be “fixed” during editing.

- Maria Skår

As a new writer, I expected that every fear and limitation I thought I had would surface and stop me from writing. And it almost did.

Kim has helped me deep dive into my writing, encouraged me to keep going and planted many nuggets to help me get past my mental monsters. Her direction, experience, and insight has been a wonderful placeholder when I felt like giving up.

- S. Walker

When I came to Kim, I had a niggling idea that I’d like to write a book, but the whole process seemed way too big, complicated, and time consuming. Definitely not fun. It didn’t have to be laborious and painful. It could be a step-by-step process. That writing a book could be fun, easy, and didn’t have to take forever!

- Martha Wilson

Got questions? I've got answers!

Why should I buy this course?

Let me ask you this - how long have you struggled to write your book? And BECAUSE of that struggle, how many missed opportunities have you had? Chances to be a featured expert on a podcast or media outlet but... you didn't have a book so they went with someone else. Chances to gift your book to the PERFECT prospect who just wasn't ready yet...

Chances to have your book transform lives while you were doing other things but because it wasn't written yet, you missed out on helping people...

My suspicion is that your missed opportunities are greater than the investment.

Now, there's a difference between “I can't afford this” and “this is too big a payment TODAY” so to make your cashflow a bit easier, I have added a payment plan.

Will I get help directly from Kim?

Is there coaching or a community where I'll get support as I work through the program and write my book?

You betcha! There's no way I can leave my students high and dry.

You'll have access to the Facebook community where I'll answer your questions, guide you through the system, and you'll even be able to find an accountability buddy to partner up with.

I also bring you a monthly Q&A call where you can bring your specific question and get on-the-spot coaching.

I don’t write quickly AND my life is really busy.

How long will I have access to the course?

How much time do I need to budget to go through the course and write my book?

I get it - writing a message-driven book is NOT something you can do in a weekend, or even a few weeks.

While this should NOT take you months, you don't want to be rush. So you'll get lifetime access to the materials, Facebook group, and monthly Q&A call for as long as I have the business.

As for how much time to budget, the steps are broken down into easy to consume videos that you will watch and do the exercises -- plan for a few hours a week for about a month to get through it all.

Then, you'll need to sit down to WRITE the book. But never fear! I teach you how to harness the Power of Mini-Goals to write your book in as little as 15 minutes a day. (Yes, REALLY!)"

What are the additional costs associated with implementing what Kim teaches in Finally Write Your Book?

What software, computers, or tech will I also need to invest in?

The short answer...

You can successfully write your book using the current computer you have AND the writing software you already own. (Like Word, Pages, or even Google Docs.)

As an author, you MAY want to buy a nice pen and notebook but that's totally up to you!

I've written ALL my books with nothing more than a 1-subject notebook, a pen I “stole” from the vet's office, and my normal computer with Microsoft Word.

What about what comes AFTER I write the book?

Does Finally Write Your Book also cover editing, publishing, covers, etc.?

Look at YOU... looking ahead! Good job!

Everything that comes AFTER the book (editing, publishing, and launching) ARE your next steps. In Finally Write Your Book, we start with the first and most important step: Writing the book. Because if the book isn't written, there's nothing to publish!

But don't worry -- I DO offer solutions to help you with every step of the process. They are just outside of the work we do together in Finally Write Your Book.

I write fiction.

Is this a good course for me?

Some aspects of writing a book ARE universal -- like storytelling. But Finally Write Your Book is targeted toward authors who are writing non-fiction (true) books that focus on their process, system, or method they use to help people achieve a certain goal.

If you're writing memoir or auto-biography (true or true-ish stories from your life) then you're ALSO in exactly the right place as Finally Write Your Book teaches you how to do that too!

If you've read this far...

You have two options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own...

be guided through a proven process that allows you to FINALLY write the book that is on your heart so that you can share your message with the people that you want to help the most.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready to finally write your book and get your message out into the world.

You're ready to stop the start/stop cycle with your writing.

You're ready to create a sustainable writing habit (that's fun) and watch the pages add up.

You're ready for a way to write the book that's on your heart, and that honors your message.

You're ready to be an author and share your words with the world.

You're ready to share your story, your heart, and help people know that they are not alone.

You're ready for a way to get there with less stress, less overwhelm, more joy, and more impact!

You're ready for Finally Write Your Book.



Pay in full

1-time payment of $1297

  • The complete program, “Finally Write Your Book” 
    ($13,150 Value)
  • “Finally Write Your Book Course with Kim Galloway,” a student’s only group 
    ($3750 value)
  • How to Take Author Headshots 
    ($400 value)
  • Top Three Tech Tools Every Author Needs
    ($297 value)
  • CTA Worksheet
    ($297 value)

  • “3 Keys to Market Your Message”
    ($500 value)
  • “Guest Expert Training Series”
    ($750 value)


5 Monthly Payments

5 monthly payments of $275

  • The complete program, “Finally Write Your Book” 
    ($13,150 Value)
  • “Finally Write Your Book Course with Kim Galloway,” a student’s only group 
    ($3750 value)
  • How to Take Author Headshots 
    ($400 value)
  • Top Three Tech Tools Every Author Needs
    ($297 value)
  • CTA Worksheet
    ($297 value)