You want to STOP going weeks (or months) without writing AND you want to write your book NOW - no matter how busy you are - no more waiting.

And you know that figuring out how to write daily - without giving up any other activities - is exactly what you need to write your book.

The problem is…

  • You’re ridiculously busy. The thought of adding one.more.thing feels horrible.
  • You don’t HAVE hours at a time to work on your book - and that’s the only way books get written… right? Right?
  • The idea of getting up any earlier - or staying up any later - to write your book just feels unsustainable. AND you’re sick and tired of having your book be on the back burner.
  • You’re embarrassed when people ask, “how’s the book coming?” and you realize it’s been weeks (or months) since you’ve written.

If you’re over there nodding and wincing, I’ve got some GREAT news for you:

There’s a better way - keep on reading.


15 MInutes a Day to Write Your Book

A short and sweet course to help you write your book - consistently - by creating a habit of writing for 15 minutes a day - and get it written!


This is not a “how to write” or a “what to write” course; it’s a WHEN to write course.

This full course is included in "Finally Write Your Book".

With 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book you’ll be able to:

  • Write your book NOW - no matter how busy you are.
  • STOP going weeks (or months) without working on your book.
  • Follow a proven system that ALL my VIP clients use to successfully write their books.
  • Track your progress - so you can see the pages add up.
  • Apply this process to most projects - so that you are in motion.

And the best part? You can get it for just $47.

Here's everything that's included in 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book:

  • 43 minutes of video instruction - broken into five easy-to-consume lessons, aka Kim's proven "Baby Bird Bites" teaching schedule that allows you to learn no matter HOW busy you are!
  • Printable worksheets for each lesson - because the best way to start writing is to WRITE (and worksheets are a great way to get started!)
  • Tracking sheets to record your writing progress - no more wondering if you're actually writing.

Not to mention that you get immediate-and-lifetime access to the full course PLUS access to any updates.

What's they're saying:

~ Tammy Zachrison Atchley

"Working with Kim was an indispensable component of the successful completion of my book. I had worked with other writing coaches, book coaches and had hired other people to help me but, no one had a process that was structured enough for me to execute it on my own, and supported enough for me to be able to enhance and improve my writing, as I went along."

~ Madeleine MacRae, Bestselling Author

Here's what you'll learn inside

15 Minutes a Day to write your book:

  • What exactly ARE mini-goals - and how to utilize them to get your book written.
  • What a mini-goal ISN’T - because this key distinction is the difference between being successful and just stressing out.
  • How to create more writing time in your day WITHOUT changing your schedule or sacrificing ANYTHING.
  • The best way to fit your writing time into your day.

And we cover it all in just 40 minutes so you can dive BACK into writing as quickly as possible.

You might be wondering...

How long will this take?

You’ll for sure want your pen and notebook to take notes!

But other than that, you won’t need supplies for the training. I’ll provide you a list of things to keep in your “Creativity Boost Box” to cultivate to keep you aligned with your creative juice.

I’m REALLY busy - will this work for me?
This is EXACTLY for you! I’m a mom of three little kids, I’m an author and business owner, AND my husband works away from home for weeks on end. That’s exactly why I’ve created 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book so that you can be successful - no matter what else is going on!

Do I have to get up early/stay up late?

Only if you really want to! The whole POINT of the 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book system is that you don’t have to sacrifice your life or even make any major changes – and still successfully write your book.

I already HAVE a time management system. How is this different?

15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book is NOT a time management system. It’s not about lists or time blocking or fighting with your clock or calendar. 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book is rewiring your THINKING about how you use your time so that you can be successful in writing your book.

AND it applies to other projects too.

What if I don’t learn anything new?

I’m not going to punish you for being awesome. If you go through the whole training AND do the tracking sheets for at least a week and STILL don’t see the value, I’ll refund your money.

I have another question…

Shoot me an email and I’ll get you sorted out.

Hi, I'm Kim Galloway:

Best-selling author of over 20 books, and I help message-driven authors to FINALLY write their book so they can share their message, help the people they’re meant to help, and get more clients.


I'm a desert-residing, outdoors-loving, mom of three amazing kiddos. My husband, Ben, and I live in rural New Mexico with wild turkeys, a friendly herd of deer, dogs, and views for days! 


My live-by-faith realization was that after working in my dad's tax office for ten years -- a job I couldn't quit and where I couldn't get fired -- I was squandering my God-given gift of writing and storytelling. 


I help clients all over the world get unstuck and FINALLY write their books!


And what you’ll learn in 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book is totally some secret sauce – and it works for ALL types of authors (or other projects!)

Now I’ve packed everything I know about getting more writing done in less time so you can get your writing DONE into one easy-to-consume course.

Ready to write your book – in 15 minutes a day?

Consistent actions add up: but only when you KNOW you’re being consistent. 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book guides you through taking the right daily actions and tracking your efforts. No more WONDERING if you’re being consistent. (And you’ll get OFF the start/stop cycle – for good.)

This is the exact same system my VIP Clients use to get their books WRITTEN (without giving up your life.)

This system ALSO works on other life or business projects to get it done – through consistent daily actions.

It can be easy. One-time payment - yes really!